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School Pricing

Placing a BioBox School Order

This page is dedicated to those utilizing school funding through Purchase Orders or Class Wallet; see the order information below.

Kids holding a heart

3-Month Prepay

$224 (4% savings)

kid and guardian with microscope

6-Month Prepay

$432 (8% savings)

child and guardian doing science experiment

9-Month Prepay

$624 (12% savings)

kids with science subscription box - 12-Month Prepay

12-Month Prepay

$802 (16% savings)

How it works:

Simply send a Purchase Order or email to info@bioboxlabs.com including the following information:

  • Student name
  • Shipping address
  • Parent email address & phone (important box details)
  • Subscription length (how many months)
  • New to BioBox or is this a renewal? (renewals will not receive the microscope box)
  • Amount for the total subscription length  
  • Please note, shipping is free


Let us know if you have any questions.  We’d love to help launch an incredible scientific experience for your students!