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Upcoming BioBoxes

Take a look at the science kits coming this summer.

We can’t wait for you to see all the science exploration that is headed to families in the coming months. Many families have found that summer is the perfect time to dig into some hands-on science. Whether you are finishing up the year in a traditional classroom or a homeschool setting, these experiments let you take a deeper dive into some interesting topics. For parents, having some plug-n-play science projects available to keep your kids engaged can be just what you need right about this time of year! Do you love the sea? Have you ever wanted to have a close up look at some of the creatures living deep beneath the water’s surface? Have you explored life through the lens of a microscope? You may have heard about photosynthesis, but have you ever seen it in action? Why not check out the upcoming BioBox themes:

The first box of every subscription is The Microscopic World starter kit which includes your very own microscope. If you’d like to renew a subscription, you can jump right into the box of the month.

dissect a preserved starfish in the Marine Madness science kit
Come take a look at a real starfish inside Marine Madness!

Let the epic experiments begin!